
Showing posts from May, 2017

3-D Pop Up

For this assignment i was trying to accomplish a pop up gallery with my own illustrations. I used Illustrator to create some illustrations. After effects to put the gallery together and Premiere pro to add music. I liked how the gallery turned out, I spent a lot of time to make it look OK. Some of the pop ups seem to come out of nowhere so i kept going back to adjusts them but it didn't work on all pop ups for some reason. I think i did good, and i really like how my illustrations looked.


I was trying to accomplish a design that looked good since i needed to have the logo and the wagon incorporated in my design. For this assignment i used illustrator and In design to create my masthead and the newsletter. I liked how my masthead turned out. At the end i decided to add trees and i think that's my favorite part of the design.

Web site

Image For this assignment i had to create my own web site. I filled it with mostly photography since it's something that i like to do. I uses to create my website. I like how the overall look of my website, i had to play around with a lot of themes in order to find one that looked good, and was simple and easy to navigate.

Mixer Brush Painting

My goal for this painting was to make it look nice without brush strokes. I used Photoshop to create my mixer brush painting. I had to play around with a lot of brushes in order to find one that didn't create visible brush strokes. But overall i really like how the rose turned out.

Shape Amination

For this design my goal was to create multiple animated shapes. I used adobe after effects to create and animate the shapes and premiere pro to add the music. I like how my video turned out and i think i did good on it. I think i would only speed up the rotation on the shapes a little more.

Game Cards

    The goal for this assignment was to make create four game cards for "The Wall" I used adobe illustrator to create all four of my designs. I like the overall look of my designs, but i would change my card front design into something else. Its not exactly what i had in mind at first.